Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Is Gol Mundial free?
No, Gol Mundial is not free. You will have to subscribe to the service to enjoy all Qatar's World Cup matches live.
Can I watch Gol Mundial on TV?
Yes, you can watch Gol Mundial on TV. Simply install the app on your Android TV or cast the content from your smartphone via Chromecast.
How many matches does Gol Mundial broadcast?
Gol Mundial broadcasts all the World Cup matches. Using this OTT platform, you will not miss a single match of the Qatar 2022 World Cup.
Does Gol Mundial broadcast in HD?
Yes, Gol Mundial broadcasts in HD. This means that you can watch every World Cup match without connection breaks and in 4K.
Can Gol Mundial be watched on multiple devices?
No, Gol Mundial cannot be watched on multiple devices at the same time. With a subscription, you can only watch matches on a smartphone, PC or TV.
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